English Learners Advisory Committee (ELAC)
The purpose of the English Learner Advisory Council (ELAC) is to provide recommendations to the School-Site Council (SSC) regarding the five topics shown below. Recommendations must be based on data. ELAC is guided by California law (Education Code 52176) and LAUSD policy (BUL-6745.5).
- The responsibilities of the ELAC include:
- Advising the School Site Council (SSC) on the development of the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), especially those sections related to English learner
- Assisting in the development of the school’s Needs assessment, Language census.
- Making efforts to make parents aware of the importance of regular school attendance.
- Advising the principal and staff on the school’s program for English learners.
- Assisting the DELAC in the dissemination of information and materials related to all aspects of the Master Plan for English Learners
- Advising in the development of and approval of the school’s Title III and Economic Impact Aid-Limited English
- Proficient (EIA-LEP) budgets.
Members of ELAC:
Ruben Aburto, Principal
Brenda Perez, EL Designee
Maria Lopez, Counselor
Maria Alvarado, Parliamentarian
Ana Carrasco, Chairperson
Virginia Flores, Secretary
Naydum Menjivar, Vice-Chair
Brenda Perez, EL Designee
Maria Lopez, Counselor
Maria Alvarado, Parliamentarian
Ana Carrasco, Chairperson
Virginia Flores, Secretary
Naydum Menjivar, Vice-Chair